Monday, September 27, 2010

Spotlight: The Cut (Alex)

Ok, So series three of "The Cut" just aired and I'm a little disappointed. The Cut is a daily short web based soap from BBC Switch. The Character Alex came out last season. He is a really interesting character and I'm happy with how he's progressed. He's a bad boy and not like a kinda bad boy I mean the kinda kid that gets his own brother sent away for having drugs he planted! Still he's a lovable snot and has great tastes in music! I'm just not happy with the intro monologue of this season. Still it's worth watching if you've got 5 mins!

The Cut:: series three

or you can catch up on past seasons:

The Cut: series 1&2

BBC-Switch-The Cut

The Blonde is Alex. The Brunette is Steven (but I'm fairly certain he's not gay)

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